• This is a great mystery, but I speak in reference to Christ and the church. (Eph 5, 32)

Registration otvorená.

The Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University in Košice in cooperation with the Karol Wojtyla School of Mission organises a seminar course on human love, sexuality, virtue, vocation, marriage, virginity and fertility s názvom Sexuality in the teaching of the Church (12 meetings) (Love, sexuality and meaning of life in the teaching of the Church)

The course is specific in that it is conducted in a seminar method. Participants read independently in advance the assigned texts of the Church's documents on a specific topic, which they then discuss in the meetings.

The aim of the course is personal formation as well as formation of formators (educators, catechists, seminarians, priests and all those who encounter young people). It contributes to orientation in what the Church really teaches in the area of sexuality, personal growth, self-knowledge, understanding of the meaning of sexuality, vocation to marriage, virginity, priesthood and fertility.

The course will run from septembra do decembra 2025 v Bratislave, v Košiciach, v Žiline a online.

Kurz organizujeme s požehnaním otcov biskupov.


  • - The course consists of 11 meetings.
  • - Meetings take place in a small group in person in Bratislava or online via video calls in the evenings at regular weekly intervals.
  • - The meetings are led by the seminar methodwhich aim is to seek answers to the questions of love, sexuality and the meaning of life in the form of a common discussion.
  • - The course participants will stretnutia prepare by reading short texts of selected Church documents, on the basis of which they draw up worksheets. Discussing together in the meeting, we find the answers in the legacy left to us by the last Popes in their teaching.


    1. Introduction
    2. The Human Person in God's Plan (The End and Meaning of Human Life)
    3. The Creation of Man as Male and Female
    4. Sexuality
    5. Love
    6. The Virtue of Chastity
    7. The Sacrament of Matrimony
    8. Virginity
    9. Otcovstvo a materstvo
    10. Plodnosť
    11. Final class


The program is led by graduates of the Master in Marriage and the Family Studies at the ITI Catholic University (International Theological Institute (Master of Studies on Marriage and the Family- International Theological Institute) in Gaming and Trumau, alumni The Pontifical Theological Institute “John Paul II” for Marriage and the Family Sciences and alumni of the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University in Košice, Slovakia, as well as graduates of the Karol Wojtyla School of Mission and the Academy of Karol Wojtyla.

The sponsor of the course is doc. ThDr. Radoslav Lojan, PhD. - moral theologian, dean of the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University in Košice.


  • For anyone 18 years and older who wants to be formed and grow while learning about the teachings of the Church.
  • For formators of others (catechists, priests, seminarians).


  • To expound the particular teaching of the Catholic Church in understandable language to people of various professions or states.
  • To help develop presentation skills, the ability to work with texts and think critically, the ability to communicate, argue, and discuss, and the ability to know one’s way in current issues and find links between them.
  • To form the human, intellectual, social, cultural, and spiritual integrity of a person with the potential to build authentic values of human society and contribute to the development of contemporary culture and society.
  • To build community through common meetings and discussions, cultural events, various "social events", as well as in common prayer, adoration or Holy Mass.



Documents of the Church from which we will draw during the course:

  • Pastorálna konštitúcia 2. vatikánskeho koncilu Gaudium et spes;
  • Ján Pavol II.: Encyklika Redemptor hominis, Apoštolský list Gratissimam sane;
  • František.: Apoštolská exhortácia Gaudete et exsultate;
  • Ján Pavol II.: Apoštolský list Novo millennio ineunte, Apoštolský list Mulieris dignitatem;
  • Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education: On Human Love;
  • Pontifical Council for the Family: Human sexuality - truth and mission. Guidelines for education in the family
  • Spanish Episcopal Conference: The Truth about the love of man;
  • Benedikt XVI.: Encyklika Deus caritas est, Encyklika Caritas in veritate;
  • František: Apoštolská exhortácia Amoris laetitia;
  • Ján Pavol II.: Apoštolská exhortácia Familiaris consortio;
  • Pius XI.: Encyklika Casti connubii;
  • Ján Pavol II.: Vita consecrata, Posynodálna apoštolská exhortácia;
  • Pavol VI.: Sacerdotalis caelibatus, Encyklika o kňazskom celibáte;
  • Ján Pavol II: Apoštolská exhortácia Redemptoris custos;
  • Pavol VI.: Encyklika Humanae vitae;
  • Ján Pavol II.: Encyklila Evangelium vitae;
  • Donum vitae: Inštrukcie Kongregácie pre vieroučné otázky o rešpektovaní začínajúceho sa ľudského života a o dôstojnosti plodenia;
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church

Registration and Requirements


  • Prihlasovanie spustené.
  • Part of application a 200-word cover letter, which must be typed directly into the registration form. We will send detailed information and an agenda for each session to registered participants after the registration process is closed.

The Registration Fee

  • 150€ for employed
  • 130€ students, unemployed, parents on maternal leave, married couples/person

The contribution includes organization, lecturers, materials, postage, licenses, space rental.

The Registration Fee can also be paid in several instalments. If the price of the course is a barrier for you, please contact us.

Other programs

After the end of the programme there is an opportunity to continue with the following programmes

  • The Human Love in the work of Karol Wojtyla Love and Responsibility
  • The Human Love in the catecheses of St. Pope John Paul II Theology of the Body


We look forward to seeing you!

Karol Wojtyla School of Mission



What has my participation in the semester programme brought me?

Uvedomenie si skutočností, ktoré sú dôležité pre ľudský život, napr. kto som, kam idem, záležitosti manželstva, ako správne prežívať život, všetko bolo tak jasne pomenované a slovne ma to vyzbrojilo do života, aby som hodnoty vedela obhájiť a hovoriť aj iným.“ Lucia

Tento seminár mi hlbšie ukázal, kto je osoba vedľa mňa a ako mám k nej pristupovať. Ponoril ma hlbšie a dal iný pohľad na vzťahy, povinnosti a pod. Utvrdil v rozhodnutí pre povolanie. Naučil ma lepšie a jednoduchšie čítať dokumenty od pápežov.“ Juraj

„Nový pohľad na seba v kontexte života s Bohom a spoznal som nových ľudí. Oboznámil som sa s učením Cirkvi o manželstve, rodine, láske, pohľade na človeka. Po pravde mal som v tom veľkú medzeru, ktorú som si úspešne doplnil, ale vyžaduje si to samozrejme ešte hlbšie štúdium dokumentov Cirkvi.“ Martin

„Ukázal mi krásu a bohatstvo učenia katolíckej cirkvi v jednotlivých dokumentoch, obohatenie názormi ostatných účastníkov.“ Katarína

„Zmenil môj pohľad na mňa samotnú.“ Jana

„Nové naštartovanie do života.“ Terézia


"I am very happy to join those who bless this work because it is very necessary and useful. For the next years of your evangelizing ministry, I extend to you the necessary graces and bless all your collaborators and supporters!"
Mons. Bernard BOBER, Archbishop-Metropolitan of Košice

"I thank you and all your co-workers of the Karol Wojtyla School of Mission for the valuable service you do in favour of education in love, sexuality and the meaning of life.... I wish you and your co-workers the abundance of God's blessing and graces."

– Mons. Stanislav Zvolenský, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bratislava




  • „Láska nie je čosi, čo sa dá naučiť, a predsa nie je nič dôležitejšie, ako sa jej učiť.“ sv. Ján Pavol II.