Dávame do pozornosti konferenciu na tému gender ideológie v rakúskom Trumau 4.-5. apríla 2025.
S požehnaním miestnych otcov biskupov ponúkame:
"Only WITH PRAYER we accomplish the tasks of our ministry and answer the HOPE of the LORD." (St. John Paul II.)
Dávame do pozornosti konferenciu na tému gender ideológie v rakúskom Trumau 4.-5. apríla 2025.
Zo srdca ďakujeme za podporu Misijnej školy Karola Wojtylu formou poukázania 2% zo zaplatenej dane!
VINŠUJEME VÁM... AJ NÁM VŠETKÝM .... Nech naše srdcia hlboko prežiari Božia radosť.... Nech tento jubilejný rok prinesie...
S požehnaním miestnych otcov biskupov ponúkame:
– vedené seminárnou metódou (moderovaná diskusia na základe vopred prečítaných textov)
– vedené formou víkendových duchovných obnov
ŠPECIÁLNA PONUKA pre farnosti a spoločenstvá
– vedené formou prednášky, seminára alebo duchovnej obnovy
Whoever loses his life in self-giving to others will save it!
One of our goals is to spread the riches of knowledge of the Church.
We believe that praying together works miracles!
It is not good for man to be alone...
In order for a relationship to function well, there is a need for the agapé, the giving of self, to be present in it. Two desires: the desire to own and the desire to give oneself. From both parties. To me, it seems similar to the breathing of the lungs. It is necessary not only to take a breath (to take) but also to breathe out (bring out of oneself). It is not possible to breathe in all the time. Or, one cannot only exhale.
It is not a school that will teach me how to better produce something; but it has taught me how to live, how to love, how to give oneself, how to be there for the others, how to be a woman and appreciate myself.
Through discovering the richness of the Theology of the Body, I’m gaining a new perspective on my past, present and future. Until now I have perceived my body as a very ordinary, trivial thing. I didn’t know that my body has been such a deep message of my Creator.
I was deeply touched by the invitation of St. John Paul II to look at the other person as at a gift, not with covetousness. To perceive the other one as an invisible sign of God’s grace. It encourages me to act better than before, knowing that we are called to far deeper things.
For me it’s very beautiful to realize the fact that I am created out of God’s boundless love. That I am here because God has wanted me, because I have been His plan from the beginning of the world. I am His beloved daughter and He knows me perfectly.
The thought most touching for me was that I should first own myself, have myself under control in order to be able to give myself fully. Because I cannot give what I do not have. To have dominion over myself not only in chastity but also regarding all the values that I bear.
What has sank into my memory the most were the testimonies of the participants (younger and older, single and married) about how participating in these courses has positively changed their lives: on the personal note (they have found themselves, their value and greatness). It often has changed their relationships for the better and also corrected, or even totally transformed their thinking and perspective regarding sexuality as a gift and plan of God, and their thinking about the dignity of man.
Peter Hertel, CSsR
In order for a relationship to function well, there is a need for the agapé, the giving of self, to be present in it. Two desires: the desire to own and the desire to give oneself. From both parties. To me, it seems similar to the breathing of the lungs. It is necessary not only to take a breath (to take) but also to breathe out (bring out of oneself). It is not possible to breathe in all the time. Or, one cannot only exhale.
It is not a school that will teach me how to better produce something; but it has taught me how to live, how to love, how to give oneself, how to be there for the others, how to be a woman and appreciate myself.
Through discovering the richness of the Theology of the Body, I’m gaining a new perspective on my past, present and future. Until now I have perceived my body as a very ordinary, trivial thing. I didn’t know that my body has been such a deep message of my Creator.
I was deeply touched by the invitation of St. John Paul II to look at the other person as at a gift, not with covetousness. To perceive the other one as an invisible sign of God’s grace. It encourages me to act better than before, knowing that we are called to far deeper things.
For me it’s very beautiful to realize the fact that I am created out of God’s boundless love. That I am here because God has wanted me, because I have been His plan from the beginning of the world. I am His beloved daughter and He knows me perfectly.
The thought most touching for me was that I should first own myself, have myself under control in order to be able to give myself fully. Because I cannot give what I do not have. To have dominion over myself not only in chastity but also regarding all the values that I bear.
What has sank into my memory the most were the testimonies of the participants (younger and older, single and married) about how participating in these courses has positively changed their lives: on the personal note (they have found themselves, their value and greatness). It often has changed their relationships for the better and also corrected, or even totally transformed their thinking and perspective regarding sexuality as a gift and plan of God, and their thinking about the dignity of man.
Peter Hertel, CSsR
"Do not work for food that goes bad, but work for food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of man will give you, for on him the Father, God himself, has set his seal." (John 6, 27)