We have great news for you – the dream of Mrs. Olja and her family has come true, specifically thanks to your help!
Dear friends, benefactors,
We have great news for you – the dream of Mrs. Olja and her family has come true, specifically thanks to your help!
Several weeks ago we managed to transfer into the hands of Mrs. Olja, a GIFT of EUR5,533. This amount corresponds to the revenue from the fund-raising campaign raised until the beginning of April 2022 through the portal darujme.sk. Despite the very difficult situation in Ukraine, Mrs. Olja has decided to use the collected money for the acquisition of a new flat in her beloved homeland.
Unfortunately, in recent months, prices of flats have enormously increased in the area of Ivano-Frankivsk in Ukraine. Moreover, fixed prices have been implemented in US dollars per square meter (approx. 570 US dollars/m2) with the result that payment in Ukrainian Hryvnia is no longer possible. A bigger one-room flat, which Mrs. Olja had originally planned to purchase, now costs approx. US$23,000. However, Mrs. Olja has been offered to purchase a completely new three-room flat in the attic with a kitchen for US$24,000. Mrs. Olja has decided to wait no more and receive this offer after having discussed it with her relatives and her father, who also promised to help her with finishing and furnishing the flat. She has been able to pay the deposit and the full price - thanks to her savings, our financial gift, and loans from her relatives from abroad. She has noted: „I am aware that it is a great amount of money, but I believe that I am going to manage to pay off everything with God‘s help.”
We have had a telephone call and we are able to confirm that Mrs. Olja is a truly mature, responsible, and goal-directed woman who is willing to do everything for the good of her children and for the good of others.
Here are her words of gratitude to each of you:
“Христос Воскрес! Christos voskrese! I turn to you all in the name of my whole family with immense gratitude. We are greatly delighted by your help, it is truly enormous support for us. We have not expected that our dream will become real so soon... Although now have begun difficult times [in Ukraine], our president is still assuring us that all destroyed houses will be rebuilt again. For we have hope. We believe that God is going to protect us and our children.”
It only remains to thank each of you who have responded to this appeal on the Olja family´s behalf, with an open heart. It is not possible to help everyone. However, in this way, we have brought joy and hope to Mrs. Olja, who takes care of and raises her children on her own, as a sole parent in very challenging circumstances. Having the new flat means she and her children now have access to much more suitable living arrangements for a growing young family. They are incredibly grateful for this and will never forget your support.
PS: Pokiaľ by ste, v tomto pre Ukrajinu náročnom období, chceli aj naďalej prispievať pani Olji a jej rodine na splácanie pôžičky či dokončenie a vybavenie bytu (možno aj pravidelným mesačným príspevkom alebo jednorazovo väčšou sumou), môžete tak urobiť poukázaním daru priamo na účet Misijnej školy Karola Wojtylu: SK67833 0000 0000 1305 19177 (do poznámky: OLJA). Každý jeden váš dar budeme pani Olji pravidelne zasielať a v prípade akýchkoľvek zmien vás budeme informovať. ĎAKUJEME! 🙂