- So God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Gn 1:27)
Karol Wojtyla School of Mission in cooperation with the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University in Košice in cooperation with the students and graduates of the International Theological Instititute in Trumau (ITI), Austria are organizing in the academic year 2024/2025 the 11th edition of the Theology of the Body Formation Course entitled Vocation to Love (FKTT) The course is conducted in the form of spiritual renewal on the basis of the catecheses of the Theology of the Body of St. John Paul II.
We are opening two groups. One group in the west and the other group in the east of Slovakia.
About human love and sexuality according to the God's plan
For whom?
Married, single, in a relationship, engaged, consecrated, seminarians, priests aged 20 to 69
How long
6 weekends of spiritual renewal
October 2024 - June 2025
KOSTOLNÁ-ZÁRIEČIE (West of Slovakia)
SPIŠSKÁ NOVÁ VES (East of Slovakia)
Pilgrimage to Krakow 8.-11.5.2025
Stays in the mountains summer 2025
Registration fee
Kurz organizujeme s požehnaním miestnych otcov biskupov Viliama Judáka, Petra Beňa, Františka Trstenského a vladyku Jonáša Jozefa Maxima.

- to bring the teaching of the Church in its fullness to young people of different professions or states of life in an understandable language (lecturers are lay people, spouses or priests, mostly graduates, but also students of one of the disciplines focusing on the theology of marriage and the family of the ITI Catholic University (International Theological Institute, Trumau, Austria) (Rakúsko), The Pontifical Theological Institute “John Paul II” for Marriage and the Family Sciences (Italy), or other experts in the subject
- to build and shape the personal integrity of the individual with the potential for building the true values of the whole of human society
- contribute to the development of today's culture and society
- the course is held in the form of the spiritual renewal An indispensable part of every weekend programme is therefore also common prayer, Holy Mass, adoration, work with the Holy Scriptures and the opportunity to adhere to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
- in order to learn to pass on the beauty of John Paul II's teachings to those around us, after each weekend we write a short summary of what we have learned
- a welcoming community
- lectures by quality lecturers of international character
- personal experiences and testimonies of all states of life
- interactive discovery of the Truth, group discussions, space for silent meditation and reflection on what has been said
- An introduction to the Theology of the Body. The beginning.
- Redemption of the heart.
- Theology of the Body as a path to healing.
- Eschatology. Marriage vs. virginity for the kingdom of heaven.
- Sacramental marriage.
- Love is fruitful.
- Holy Scripture
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Humanae vitae (Encyclical of Paul VI.)
- Theology of the Body (Catechesis of John Paul II)
- Men and women are from Eden (Mary Healy)
6 weekends per year from October 2024 to June 2025.
First weekend meeting on 18.-20.10.2024 (in East of Slovakia) and 25.-27.10.2024 (in West of Slovakia)1
- Registration fee for the costs of organizing the course: 180€ (nezahŕňa náklady na stravu a ubytovanie)
- The cost of food and accommodation is about 60-75€ per weekend (2x full board)
- If the cost would be a barrier to your application, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Registration Form
- Registrácia bude otvorená od júna 2025.
- Part of the registration is a motivation letter (in the extent of 1 A4)
- We are interested in:
- Something about you - where you come from, what you do...
- Why do you want to take the course?
- Please send your motivation letter within three days of submitting your registration.
- Applying without a motivation letter is invalid!
The number of participants is limited. Participants will be selected on the basis of cover letters. Thank you for your understanding.
We look forward to seeing you!
"I wish you and all the participants God's blessing to deepen your understanding of the Church's teaching on human love and the value of the human person, and to be witnesses to the Gospel of life in these difficult times."
– Mons. Viliam Judák, Bishop of Nitra