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Aktívnym vzdelávaním, modlitbou a skúsenosťou spoločenstva osvetľovať učenie Katolíckej cirkvi o láske a sexualite


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According to the example of the life and work of Karol Wojtyla, we try to:

  • provide formative experiences of people of different professions, ages, and family statuses and thus contribute to the development of culture and society;

  • create an international community of persons making a concrete contribution to relieving human misery (spiritual, moral, and material).


Members and fellow workers of the MŠKW are graduates and students of the International Theological Institute in Gaming and Trumau (Austria), and the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family Studies in Rome, as well as of programs organized by the Karol Wojtyla Academy in Slovakia: the Family Pastoral Care Diploma and Master‘s Program in Theology of Marriage and Family in Košice. In addition, we work with international lecturers and graduates from our own projects.

The international character of the MŠKW helps to create a wider-ranging community and foster cooperation with people and organizations abroad with similar aims.




By helping to form true human values, contributing to developming today's culture and society.



Bringing the Truth about man closer to people in comprehensible language.

Bringing the teachings of the Church in its fullness to people of different professions, ages and family statuses in an understandable language, with a focus on the anthropology of man according to the example of Karol Wojtyla, St. John Paul II.



Common prayer works miracles!

The basis of every human relationship is a relati-onship with the One who is the source of true, pure love. In order to be able to love and be a gift to others, we must first learn to receive God's love and allow ourselves to be transformed by it.



Creating a community that contributes
to relieving human misery in specific ways.

Creating an international community of people who make a specific contribution to relieving human misery: spiritual,
moral, and material.



History of MŠKW

We are a community of people touched by the Church's teaching on human love and anthropology during our studies. This experience has simply led us to start bringing this teaching to others. Our mission started informally in 2009 by organizing study groups, summer schools, and weekend retreats, when we studied human love on the basis of St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body. In this way we have become active not only in Slovakia, but also in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Austria, Russia, and Ukraine.

We started the project by organizing weekend retreats, first in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia. This has been a success for eight years now, the result of interest from young adults and students who wish to discover the idea of the purity and beauty of human love according to the teachings of St. John Paul II. These regular weekend retreats inspired many participants to further develop their education in this field, in Slovakia and abroad.

The increasing interest in these weekend retreats has contributed significantly to the foundation of the Karol Wojtyla School of Mission (MŠKW). It has been active as a non-governmental organization since October 2016.

Our journey and specific experience with the teachings of St. John Paul II

2023, 1. októbra - Slovensko

Otvorenie KaWe centra v Bratislave.

2023, január - Slovensko

Prvý kurz Úvod do teológie tela na Svoradove.

2021/2022 - Medzinárodne

Kurz Theology of the Body online pre poslucháčov z rôznych krajín (vedený v angličtine).

2021/2022 - Medzinárodne

Kurz Love and Responsibility online pre poslucháčov z rôznych krajín (vedený v angličtine).

2019/2020 - Slovakia

First year of Love and Responsibility course (3 weekend retreats for the graduates of the Theology of the Body course of formation)

2018 - Kazakhstan

Theology of the Body retreats for youth, lectures for youth from all around the Kazakhstan at the Youth Festival in Ozernoe.

2018/2020 - Slovakia, Ukraine, Austria, Czech Republic

Lectures and talks based on TOB on different forums - formation classes, seminars, conferences, spiritual retreats, in high schools and colleges.

2017/2020 Košice, Slovakia

In cooperation with the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University in Košice, we have started to organize the semester programmes: 1. Love, sexuality and the meaning of life in the teaching of the Church, 2. Human love in the book of Karol Wojtyla – Love and Responsibility, 3. Human love in the catechesis of John Paul II. – Theology of the Body. .

2016/2020 - Slovakia

In 2016 a first Theology of the Body study group was established. Until today there is already 7 groups in Slovakia - Bratislava, Nitra, Levoča, Košice, Prešov.

October 2016 - Slovakia

The foundation of the Karol Wojtyla School of Mission.

2015/2020 - Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy

Continuous academy formation of people in the team, lecturers, fellow workers of the Karol Wojtyla School of Mission (Brno/Czech Republic - Studies on marriage and the family; Trumau/Austria - the International Theological Institute; Rome/Italy - the JP II Institiute, Košice/Slovakia - the Karol Wojtyla Academy - the Family Pastoral Care Diploma and Master‘s Program in Theology of Marriage and Family.

2014 - Russia

Ten days long Theology of the Body seminar in ortodox summer camp in Russia.

since 2013/2020 - Slovakia

Theology of the Body formation courses

2013/2018 - Ukraine

Theology of the Body retreats, seminars, testimonies at different places in Ukraine.

2012 - Austria

The International Theological Institute (ITI), Trumau - the weekend international Theology of the Body retreat "Vocation to love".After this weekend retreat the participants were inspired to start series of TOB retreats also in Slovakia, based on similar retreats which were organized in the Czech Republic in 2010/2012.

2012 - Latvia

One week long theology of the body summer school

2010/2012 - Czech republic

The first series of retreats based on John Paul II's catecheses Theology of the Body (series of 7 weekend retreats with one group of people).

2009/2011 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Beginning of the first Theology of the Body study groups and Theology of the Body Summer School with youth from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Ukraine, Russia and Latvia in Medjugorje.

2007/2009 - Austria

Study of the marriage and family program at the International Theological Institute, ITI Gaming.

2006 - Austria

1st International Theology of the Body symposium in Europe (Gaming)

The Karol Wojtyla House of Mission

Since June 2019 we have been renting the Karol Wojtyla Mission House in Košice. 

The house is at the same time an official seat and the office of our organization. It is also a community center for those who have become inspired by the teaching of the Catholic Church and especially with the teaching of the St. Pope John Paul II. The House of Mission breathes with life. More life will come to it with your visit. We will be very delighted to have you among us. Our desire is to build our house in line with the idea: "More we become a gift to one another, more beautiful will be the community formed among us."

Present activities

We give talks, lectures and testimony about the Theology of the Body (catechesis of St. John Paul II on human love and sexuality) at various events – formation retreats, seminars, conferences, spiritual retreats or directly in schools – in grammar schools, universities, not only in Slovakia, but also in the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Austria, Russia, Latvia and other countries.

SLOVENSKO: V roku 2024/2025 je plánovaný v Nitrianskej diecéze s požehnaním miestneho otca biskupa Viliama Judáka + otca biskupa Petra Beňa a taktiež v Spišskej diecéze s požehnaním otca biskupa Františka Trstenského a vladyku Jonáša Maxima už jedenásty ročník Formačného kurzu teológie tela POVOLANIE K LÁSKE (PKL).

At the same time, we are dedicated to form study groups of the Theology of the Body, organizing of spiritual retreats and lecturing (about the Theology of the Body as well as topics on chastity, marriage, concecrated life, about the meaning and purpose of life, human dignity etc.)

Od roku 2017 v spolupráci s Teologickou fakultou Katolíckej univerzity v Košiciach organizujeme každý semester seminárne kurzy Sexuality in the teaching of the Church (12 meetings) (starší názov Láska, sexualita a zmysel života v učení Cirkvi) (o ľudskej láske, sexualite, čistote, manželstve, panenstve a plodnosti),  Love and Responsibility and Theology of the Body. Seminárne kurzy sa realizujú online, v Bratislave, v Košiciach a po novom aj v Žiline.

UKRAJINA: Medzi naše ďalšie aktivity patrí misijná činnosť na Ukrajine. Okrem duchovných obnov sa zameriavame na humanitárnu a materiálnu pomoc chudobným, sirotám, mladým, mladým rodinám či opusteným ľuďom.


Our dream is to build the first international MISSION CENTRE of its kind in Slovakia — the KAROL WOJTYLA SCHOOL OF MISSION (MŠKW), which would provide a community background for formation and education of the next generation according to the life and work of Karol Wojtyla, St. John Paul II.

Our wish is that it become a place where people from different countries of the world (mostly Slavic), people of different ages and backgrounds experiences could come together for a systematic education and formative training; a place where we would learn together to use our gifts, talents, knowledge, and personal example to witness the beauty and dignity of the human person, the human body, and love according to God's plan; a place where the Christian East will meet the West; a place in quiet surroundings, where our alumni, students, coworkers, and friends would be able to come and quiet down, pray and create a community.

Hlavným cieľom Misijného komunitného centra MŠKW by bolo vytvárať priestor pre budovanie medzinárodnej komunity ľudí, ktorá spoločnými silami bude prispievať k pozdvihovaniu dôstojnosti človeka a k budovaniu kultúry lásky a života.

Please help us to make this dream come true...

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„Želám Vám a vyprosujem k týmto Vašim úsiliam na príhovor sv. Jána Pavla II. hojnosť Božieho požehnania.“

– Mons. Viliam Judák, Bishop of Nitra

"I am very happy to join those who bless this work because it is very necessary and useful. For the next years of your evangelizing ministry, I extend to you the necessary graces and bless all your collaborators and supporters!"
Mons. Bernard BOBER, Archbishop-Metropolitan of Košice

„Ďakujem Vám i všetkým Vašim spolupracovníkom z Misijnej školy za cennú službu, ktorú v prospech vzdelávania v oblasti lásky, sexuality a zmyslu života robíte…. vyprosujem Vám i Vašim spolupracovníkom hojnosť Božieho požehnania a milostí.“

– Mons. Stanislav Zvolenský, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bratislava